Use "layman|laymen" in a sentence

1. Scientists and laymen scrambled to assess the actual danger.

2. Every cothurnus can bring up hero from layman.

3. Nor was Wilkins a layman championing a secular cause.

4. Synonyms: clergyperson, Clerical, clerk… Antonyms: layman, layperson, secular…

5. Where the law is concerned, I'm only a layman.

6. In regard to global warming, I'm just a layman.

7. In layman terms, a Component is responsible for some operations

8. 11 To the layman all these plants look pretty similar.

9. Recently, the layman to sing up more and more action.

10. To the layman all these plants look pretty similar.

11. Synonyms: nonprofessional, outsider, layperson, layman or woman More Synonyms of Amateur

12. The report was readable and understandable to the layman.

13. To a layman, it might all seem mildly amusing.

14. It is possible that twelfth-century laymen regarded his outpourings with an indulgent smile.

15. Book keeper is so simple and intuitive, layman can use

16. The layman is generally more concerned with their possible unethical uses.

17. The Quebec-born layman Louis Jolliet was to lead the expedition.

18. It belongs to the church and is used by its laymen for committees and administering charity.

19. To the layman, the Curlews are a shy, unassuming family of birds

20. An article for the layman that Blurs the distinction between the two kinds of cholesterol

21. Any Budtender should be able to explain this sufficiently to someone in the most laymen of terms

22. He's layman out and out, so you'd better not let him fold things up.

23. The lay Apostolate consists, in this, that laymen undertake tasks deriving from the mission Christ entrusted to His Church

24. In the language of the layman the Epicrustal rocks can best be described as the'scum. ".

25. The judge, as a medical layman, will usually defer to the doctor’s medical expertise.

26. To be a layman, even to be anticlerical, is not necessarily to be irreligious.

27. A prevalent, though completely erroneous, idea often held by students and laymen is that theory is synonymous with speculation.

28. Donations by pious laymen doubtless continued, and Glastonbury and Canterbury not only survived, but did so as wealthy churches.

29. My uncle posed as a connoisseur in paintings while actually he was only a layman.

30. Abbots, like the monks over whom they ruled, were originally laymen, and subject to the bishop of the diocese

31. Sometimes he felt desperately shy and this specially seemed to happen when titled laymen or captains of industry appeared.

32. And the rational thing for a layman to do is to take seriously the prevailing scientific theory.

33. 17 The subject matter was so technical as to be beyond the ken of the average layman.

34. Perplexities A layman venturing into the quantum world no doubt expects to encounter some fairly strange phenomena.

35. The only proviso was that a layman would be able to recognize the one from the other.

36. layman -l gives you a list of all available overlays, using the -a switch you can add other overlays.

37. Pius XII, allocution to the first convention of laymen representing all nations on the promotion of the apostolate Oct. 15, 1951: A.A.S.

38. His subtle facial twitches wouldn't be noticed by the layman, but to me... he might as well have been sobbing.

39. He did not retire into a monastery but lived in Rangoon as a layman, under constant police surveillance.

40. They have sensed, as the layman does not, the damage to established ideas which lurks in these relationships.

41. 12 The second excommunicated all clergy who did homage to laymen for ecclesiastical possessions, as well as those who associated with them afterwards.

42. Arnaud de Cervolles, one of the most celebrated adventurers of the 14th century, called the Archpriest because though a layman he …

43. The mere mention of the words "heart failure", can conjure up, to the layman, the prospect of imminent death.

44. Its esoteric meaning is of the domain of the scholar rather than the layman - of the initiate rather than the priest.

45. 25 The mere mention of the words "heart failure", can conjure up, to the layman, the prospect of imminent death.

46. Banesh Hoffman, a collaborator of Einstein's, happens to be a great writer, possibly the best as books for the layman are concerned

47. In layman terms, the Hyde Act allows the U.S. Administration to engage in civil nuclear cooperation with India, waiving the following requirements:

48. The Cursillo proper is an intensive weekend built around some fifteen talks, of which ten are given by laymen, and living together as a close Christian community.

49. The latest editions, including abridged and pocket versions, are useful starting points for the layman or student when faced with an unfamiliar legal term.

50. CANON XXIV: Any layman who has mutilated himself shall be excommunicated for three years, For he is a plotter against his own life.

51. The theory of viral communications is a bit hard for the layman (this writer included) to grok, so I asked Lippman for some examples.

52. PUTNAM'S HANDY LAW BOOK FOR THE LAYMAN ALBERT SIDNEY BOLLES The younger Brethren—whose number is unlimited—are Admissible at the pleasure of the court

53. Cisalpine Club, an association of Catholic laymen formed in England to perpetuate the movement which had found expression in the “Declaration and Protestation” signed by the Catholic body in 1789.

54. It's an entirely new framework for understanding the illness, one that isn't easy to grok if you're a layman (as he was when he started).

55. Eucharistic Congresses are gatherings of ecclesiastics and laymen for the purpose of celebrating and glorifying the Holy Eucharist and of seeking the best means to spread its knowledge and love throughout the world

56. And yet, there is one context in which economists talk about job scarcity in the same terms as an ordinary layman guilty of make-work bias.

57. Cisalpine Club An association of Catholic laymen formed in England to perpetuate the movement which had found expression in the "Declaration and Protestation" signed by the Catholic body in 1789

58. To the liquor layman, Aguardiente might be described as Colombia’s version of tequila: a Latin American spirit that’s made—and makes you feel—a special type of way

59. PUTNAM'S HANDY LAW BOOK FOR THE LAYMAN ALBERT SIDNEY BOLLES For his sake General Maxgregor does outrage to his feelings and Conceals his passionate love for the queen

60. PUTNAM'S HANDY LAW BOOK FOR THE LAYMAN ALBERT SIDNEY BOLLES That could not be entered into without Conferring that obligation on all the parties represented at its formation

61. Andrew are prominent and influential laymen of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Many are major financial supporters of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, honored by the Ecumenical Patriarch.Politicians, actors, heads of state, etc, have all been Archons

62. Present participle of blur Synonyms & Antonyms of Blurring (Entry 2 of 2) 1 to make (something) unclear to the understanding an article for the layman that blurs the …

63. Offenses against the public order and offenses against the person were mainly violent crimes, such as assault of a layman or police officer, threats, grievous bodily harm and affray.

64. Putnam's Handy Law Book for the Layman Albert Sidney Bolles So much for that terrible gale from the Gulf, which, as we afterward learned, did much damage to Coastwise …

65. Offenses against the public order and offenses against the person were mainly violent crimes, such as assault of a layman or police officer, threats, grievous bodily harm and affray

66. Enenuru periodical)/ "Some of you layman, like myself, have had their imaginations and/or intellects engaged by this field of study to such a degree that you may, overtly or covertly, have entertained a certain want - yes the want to be an Assyriologist.Few layman with even a strong interest in these studies can simply say “I want to be an Assyriologist” however, at

67. PUTNAM'S HANDY LAW BOOK FOR THE LAYMAN ALBERT SIDNEY BOLLES And therefore he never withdraweth his mercy from us: but though he Chastise his people with adversity he forsaketh them not

68. PUTNAM'S HANDY LAW BOOK FOR THE LAYMAN ALBERT SIDNEY BOLLES He soon afterward gave fifty thousand a year for this work, and a million Bequeathed for the cause at his death

69. It has been argued that because of the decaying state of the Celtic Church, abbacies in this time period “were often held by laymen, who drew the revenues and appointed churchmen to perform the ecclesiastical offices.”

70. The complainant argues that the formal requirements for submitting a complaint should not be overly strict for a layman and concludes that his complaint meets the admissibility criteria under the Convention.

71. PUTNAM'S HANDY LAW BOOK FOR THE LAYMAN ALBERT SIDNEY BOLLES As soon as he had reached the south gate he had Ascertained this by a glance at the gravel shoulder of the road.

72. To establish links, obtain information and provide financial and moral support Vatican used such ways as receiving information from priests moving temporarily into the country or leaving it, from Cloisterers and laymen as well as involving foreign diplomats.

73. 15 -- Contemporary scholars, politicians, statesmen and laymen will be bewildered to find the word Charlatanism between the two antagonistic groups of Burmese army known as Tatmadaw and the current KNU (Karen Nation Union). Charlatanism of KNU and Tatmadaw

74. A Commendatory abbot (Latin: abbas commendatarius) is an ecclesiastic, or sometimes a layman, who holds an abbey in commendam, drawing its revenues but not exercising any authority over its inner monastic discipline

75. PUTNAM'S HANDY LAW BOOK FOR THE LAYMAN ALBERT SIDNEY BOLLES Like a flash a great black body Bounded through the air and Bruno's teeth were buried in the shoulder of his victim

76. This definition might be puzzling as it makes no conspicuous distinction between a founder and a Cofounder. In fact, a layman often commits the mistake of considering both these positions as alternatives for each other.

77. By the plenitude of his power, the Pope can constitute a layman commissary Apostolic for ecclesiastical affairs, but according to the common canon law only prelates or clerics of the higher orders should receive such a commission (Lib.

78. A Bailee who was a cold storage keeper, stated in his receipt "all damage to property is at the owner's risk." Putnam's Handy Law Book for the Layman Albert Sidney Bolles A Bailee received some …

79. ‘Kuppusamy mixed Carnatic with folk music and simultaneously explained how ragas should be handled in the latter.’ ‘By linking film music with Carnatic she tries to make laymen understand the importance of Carnatic music.’ ‘In many films he has demonstrated his skill over Carnatic …

80. The Society of Evangelical Arminians (SEA) is an association of evangelical scholars and laymen who adhere to Arminian theology and are united in order to glorify God, edify his people, protect them from error, and foster the proper representation of our magnificent God Read more